American Road Cycling

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American Road Cycling: the fastest slowing road cycling advocacy group in the U.S.


Ongoing Competition

  Current Cup Holder - "Crackhead" Ryan Muehlbauer

(new project for 2018: Silver Sprint, Strava segment)

Now In Production

A hands on strategic guide to achieving cycling success using power meters.
An essential guide to achieving high level athletic performance in the sport of cycling using power meters.

Some call it
Pedaling Pilates,
but it's not.

Some say
Cycling Chi
but it's not.

Some declare
Martial Arts on Wheels,
but no.

It's not even
Handle Bar Ballet.

It is Cycling Performance Simplified.

Calculator Explained



TARDIS: Time And Relative Dimension in Space





The Widder's Hump | Training Log | Book Review |





(Actually, you'd better take a seat.)



All the New's too old to print.




| Jan-Mar | Apr | May | June | July |




Hi, I'm (phwuh, whuh, whu...) SlingShot.


The Widder's Hump | Training Log | Book Review |


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Image by permission: Clay Boone Woodcarver

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American Road Cycling
ID Card


New Book

Cover : Print Version
Botanical Rain: the semiotics of an enduring Endico image
Print Version ISBN: 978-0-9827073-1-9

Now Online

KeyTap® Project Manager

Special Notice

ISBN-13:  978-0-9827073-0-2 (9780982707302)
ISBN: 0-9827073-0-4 (0982707304)

Bob Fugett's "Impulse and Strength: playing musical instruments toward perfection"
now available in upgraded perfect bound print version at

Other sources for the print version:

New York City Public Library, New York, NY
Albert Wisner Library, Warwick, NY
Chester Public Library, Chester, Orange County, NY

Coming Soon

by: Bob Fugett

Vera City: the unauthorized story of Scarves and Blouses by Vera Neumann as told by a design studio insider

Vera City

the unauthorized story of Scarves and Blouses by Vera Neumann
as told by a design studio insider


Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts from Sugar Loaf University

To be perfectly clear Sugar Loaf University's Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts is a singularity and one of the toughest programs in the world in which to gain acceptance. In order to make sure you receive close to the same quality education if your application fails, your backup safety schools should be Harvard, Yale, Cornell, and Princeton.


LaCie Compatibility Issues

Buyer beware! LaCie network drives have a severe Windows compatibility issue being non-functional with Windows Backup Utility. This is a major LaCie hard drive problem (for anybody serious about their data), but LaCie refuses to show any sign of wishing to fix it or even acknowledge the problem exists.

Linked above is an archived month long service ticket, and you only need to scroll to the bottom and read the two final short posts in order to confirm you want to stay away from these Drives.

Take it from me, LaCie's response after the one shown only got more insulting and obfuscating

For more see Chatterbox posts #5194 and #5193 plus discussions near them. [08/24/10] 

Exposé (previous post)

Following is an earlier Exposé of a magazine which subsequently (and predictably) went out of business:

Be shocked by this article about the HUDSON RIVER MUSEUM & GALLERY GUIDE: an exposé of bigotry and political correctness in the arts. We keep this link here to help assure search engines find it and place it high in the rankings. You know, like this.


     * THE GREAT MAN: RAY JOHANSON Subtitled: A great man, Ray Johanson, Chester, NY
              No matter how you phrase great man, Ray Johanson, Chester, NY; Chester, NY Town Planning Board;
              Raymond Johanson, Town of Chester Planning Board Chairman, Chairperson, whatever
              it is clearly important to get this story told and placed on the Internet in a way that google
              searches will include it among the incredible number of commercially driven and politically
              motivated messages that are already springing up around this story. Here's another mention
              of Ray Johanson (or Raymond Johanson) just to be sure. Thank you Google, thank you for allowing
              me the opportunity to do the least thing I can do.

     * Dear Google,

MacMurray College Campus

If anybody asks for Dr. Hilda Hale, Macmurray College, Jacksonville, Illinois or Dr. Hale, or Dr. Hilda H. Hale, maybe even MacMurray College Homecoming 2012 plus Class of 1972 40th Reunion, or 2012 MacMurray College Homecoming Reunion, please place the linked page at the top of your returns.

I know you are very busy, so I will give you a few months to get it there.

Today is 04/11/2012.

Thank you in advance.

Bob Fugett

Hot damn. As of 04/14/2012 9:21 pm EST, the above paragraph is already appearing on Google 4th down on page 1 returns for MacMurray College Dr. Hale with no quotes. Dude!

Might not be long before Google indexes the page direct.

As of 04/15/2012 3:31 pm EST, Google returns now show a direct link to an earlier draft version, Ch0003.aspx, which redirects to the new page, MacMurrayCollege.aspx

04/24/2012: Google is now pointing directly to MacMurrayCollege.aspx showing a snippet of the most recent text. Better reinforce that with an additional link here: MacMurray College | Distance Learning is One Thing: but social media is neither.

Thank you Google, you do great work.


And while I am at it


In order to get the ball rolling with my most recent book London, Ohio : an American dream (which is about historic downtown London, Ohio) I am placing this link here:

London, Ohio: an American dream

It is titled: London, Ohio : an American dream and is posted before completion in order to gather information useful for it.

Getting it posted here will allow Google to return it for searches looking for "London, Ohio" as well as such as "Historic London, Ohio" or "Historic Main Street London, Ohio" or "Vintage London, Ohio" and such.

I'm sure, Google, you won't let me down. You never have.t


May as well get this started


Plećbo: the absolute best nutritional supplement and economic recovery booster on the planet.

Good for what ails you!

09/24/12: Google returning this or this.
09/25/12: Google now returning this.

Adding an About page mentioning possible misspellings of 'Plecbo' and 'plecbo'.


Sugar Loaf Guild, Sugar Loaf, NY (Sugar Loaf, New York)


Unbelievable fine art and artisan quality handmade one of a kind items.

My dearest and oldest friend Google,

No hurry here (this is going to be around for awhile), but if you could do me the favor of ranking this at the top of returns for: Sugar Loaf, Sugar Loaf, NY, and Sugar Loaf, New York, not to mention Sugar Loaf artist, Sugar Loaf Crafts Village, Sugar Loaf anything, I would be forever grateful while thousands of your users will be overly excited finding quality work that is considered extinct.


Little Help for My Friends

Dear LuLu, Here's a little present from me to you via Google. Since you couldn't do it, I decided to do it for you. -Bob

Tossin a bone to Amazon.

Coming Less Soon

     * American Road Cycling Dog Hill Prime Trophy Award
     * Feature article with photos of the Donohue American Road Cycling Museum
     * The Bicycle Doctor seems to be suffering in the Google search department,
        so we need to place a reference to Rich Cruet on this page, plus a link to:
        The Bicycle Doctor, Rich Cruet, complimentary ad.
     * Humberto Cavalheiro Fanzine: this link is placed to help search engines
        find the Humberto Cavalheiro Fanzine while the finishing touches are
        being applied.

        Keepin' it near the top. It is incumbent upon American Road Cycling
        to periodically update this line. We have to keep Search Engines current.
        So we add a little here, once in awhile. Sometimes more is added, sometimes
        less. Actually, until recently we totally forgot about this.

This really, really needs to be said

Scarlet's Way "A Dog's World", 1361 Kings Highway, Sugar Loaf, NY 10981


Down here and out of the way

The following is placed here to help Google refer people here who may have also been attacked and are searching for similar experiences to SlingShot's with regard to being attacked by motorcyclists on Smith Clove Rd in Central Valley, Woodbury, Monroe area so that the information can be aggregated into an actionable record.

If you arrived here by such a search please help add to the record by posting in the Chatterbox, no signup required, no real name required (though that would truly help), just prove you are human.

Here are the logical keywords.

cyclist attacked Woodbury, NY
cyclist attacked Central Valley, NY
cyclist attacked Monroe, NY
cyclist attacked Monroe-Woodbury, NY
cyclist attacked Smith Clove Road
cyclist attacked near West Point

If anybody thinks of similar likely search criteria somebody might used after being violently attacked by an anonymous assailant, give us a holler.

Down here and outer of the way

Due to the fact this website has become so venerated and trusted, it always helps me boost a new page or site to the top of Google searches by including a mention of it here.

Therefore, here is a link to The Historic Museum of Sugar Loaf, New York (which might also end up being called The Sugar Loaf Historical Museum, or Sugar Loaf's Historic Museum, or as these things always go people will be calling it just the Sugar Loaf Museum. or merely the Museum.

In any case, if a person gets here by whatever means available, they will not be sorry they took a look at the rich history of Sugar Loaf as a hamlet of full time working artists fulfilling the dream of a tiny Mecca for excellence in the arts.

No harm in putting these links to the Sugar Loaf Guild website here.




this page last updated: 06/11/2018 11:50:14 PM

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