We finally figured out a way to trick
Lauren &
Michele into coming over, so we could pick their brains and go for a
record attempt of a double googly eyeing.
The problem has always been we only have one set of
goggles for googling, so everybody's ogling has been restricted by
our lack of a grouping of googling goggles.
That being said, we did the best we could, and we
got all our questions answered.
Michele told us right away that our dog is fat, and
we had been wondering about that for some time. We have also been
wondering if SlingShot is fat, but there was no comment on
Then Lauren pronounced Egoscue (i.'ga.sku) for us
and showed us that knees forward is the key to resolving the
foot fall disparity between Egoscue 1992 and Brourman 1998. [See the
reference list for Cycling
Performance Simplified.]
Lauren also cleared up the Egoscue 1992 description
of the Gravity Drop which adds a poorly described scapula
exercise. That part of the exercise never made a whole lot of sense
to me, because it clearly diverges from the bilateral fundamental.
Plus, it seems to have been lost from everything I can find about
Egoscue online. It is also not in his own second book.
In any case, leave out the scapula portion if you
are using Egoscue 1992, and remember to find a practitioner to help
you sort out the irregularities in the text. Just make sure the
practitioner you choose always makes it a habit to call basic Hatha yoga
asanas: E-cises.
Finally, I told Lauren my thoughts about why the hip
rotation issue is difficult: because your hip does not have an
actual rotator muscle. Anything called a hip rotator actually
rotates the leg against the hip, but there is nothing that rotates
the hip simply and directly like the bicep curls the arm.
She agreed and went on to say that she always has a
hard time explaining to her patients that the hip is not a
monolithic bone but is actually articulated right and left. She knew
Mary and I would not need to be told, because we know stuff like
that... but we didn't.
In fact, that should probably be a whole book in
itself—titled something like: Your Hips are Not Your Hips, or
possibly just: Your Hip is Not.
I'm sure Lauren has started on that book, because
she is sick and tired of explaining it to people.
Then Michele went off on a tangent about some
cockamamie idea about how
Cancer is a Fungus, and how there are at this very moment
therapies used in veterinary medicine given as a food supplement
based on some something or another from some root or another, and it has
pumped up Michele's cure rate from 5% to closer to 25%. There
was also something about an injectable baking soda cure.
All of which information I wouldn't give you a plug
nickel for, if it didn't come to me like the Pilates stuff after I had
always considered it absolute bullshit, since I always heard it coming
from the mouth of a so called health professional who believes
breast implants and lipo-suction coupled with an eating disorder is
the one true path to well-being, but when the word Pilates came out
of the mouth of my
dental hygienist... I tracked down the original
writings and found out I had already read them when I was 14, and that's why
I always thought, "What is the big deal with this Pilates nonsense.
It is just calisthenics, or maybe Yoga moving like Tai Chi at best.
Besides, it seems like most people like saying the word a lot more than they
like doing the exercises anyway."
In any case, when something comes out of the mouth
of your
dental hygienist (who helps you
take care of these), you
figure she knows something about mouths and wouldn't let something
into hers that shouldn't be there.
It's the same thing with this Cancer is a fungus
that can be cured with baking soda idea.
I mean, Michele noticed right away that our dog is fat,
and she also knew better than to mention SlingShot is fat too, so
she's not a total idiot.
Also, lets just say it was true, that you can cure
cancer with baking soda or an herbal root supplement. We live in a world
where people are shown two video frames of the finish of one of
Michael Phelps' Gold Medals and told it proves he won it, when
obviously it does not show anything at all, but people believe it
must without question, because somebody in authority said so.
How likely is it is that something like this
Cancer is a fungus concept could ever get past the, "We've
got a whole fucking lucrative industry goin' with this cancer stuff,
so you just better get your simple-ass cure all the way the fuck up
and out a here!"
Personally, I have enough trouble just trying to get
people to believe watts is watts is watts, and that's not even a
question in most parts of the world, at least the parts with real
school systems.
Plus, I know for a fact there is no
wind and there are no hills, but people think I'm crazy when I
mention it.
So we took some photos.
Unfortunately, Mary is a
piss poor photographer, so she missed getting the shot of the
lesbian flashing her tits, but that has never stopped us before, and
it ain't stopping us now.

Psst! Michele... I wouldn't.


Look, Michele! I can see right through Mary's shirt.
Although I
really hate being around people, this time it was for the better, because I
sweated so much and dehydrated myself so profoundly that the morning scale showed I am down to a
personal best for the year.
Also, Mary has finally given me permission to shut American Road Cycling down
(after just
two more articles), before anybody else wanders onto this website and thinks this is a real place
to be. It is not.
Otherwise, sorry for the doctored photo of the lesbo tatas, but when one of them flashed
us, and I realized Mary had missed the photo, I immediately reached into my left
pocket and grabbed the Mardi Gras beads that I always keep there (just in case),
but even with my throwing almost all my strands in succession while chanting, "Show us your
tits," I still couldn't coax them fat puppies back out of their hiding place.
Editor's Note: All that talk above about hips opening up was just that,
and nothing more. You have a dirty mind. And yes, somebody did flash their tits,
but nobody is going to believe that, especially if I say something about it
BTW: Michele, your puppies are fat.