From: Kevin Hetzel (Zirra)
Subject: Casting Ballot
Intercepted politically inflammatory e-mail response
Hi Kevin : )
> How was your ride last night?
I am not at liberty to report. We are working on Paul's
Training Secret. It is all classified and shit.
> take Mary out on tues and wed maybe an early
> session on thursday and maybe then I can keep up.
Sounds like a great plan. I'll work on it. BTW: My own excuse for
Thursday will be that I took Mary out on Tue, Wed, and an early
ride Thur.
> I am not going to make it tonight. [Harriman] I have to
> home and vote- My local school board is attempting to raise
> taxes $80/$100,000 in house value so they can put Astroturf
> in the high school stadium- all the while cutting teachers
> and benefits.
> SO my civic duties trump my desire to get pulled up Tiorati.
Understood...we'll just mark you down as a pussy.
BTW: You might mention to somebody that teaching kids the real
sport of cycling, instead of the pseudo sport of let's
psych 'em up for foreign wars...rah, rah, rah, yeah team!,
while doing it on already paid for and maintained roads, would not
only be better for the kids' health, it would benefit the
environment, move us a baby step away from oil dependence,
reinforce the best use of roads is cycling, and allow left over
money to pay teachers enough to keep them from bailing out on our
You might mention that...but of course, nobody's going to listen
In any case, we'll just mark you down as a pussy at tonight's
- SlingShot
Editor's Note: We anxiously await Zirra's
report on the outcome of the vote. American Road Cycling
predicts (without even waiting for the polls to close) that the
Astroturf is going to be going in no matter. Even if they drop the
Astroturf issue, they'll cut teachers pay best they can anyway. After all, school
boards and communities are run in the same way as that OCBC
catastrophe, by people who struggle with rules, perceptions, and
event mongering, not with realities. Remember, you heard it here