Below you will find several photos for comparison. These photos are:
1) the original photo of the real Download Kim, 2) a photo of
the imposter, 3) a comparative analysis of a recent photo of
Cranky, and finally 4) a bonerfied new photo of the true
Download Kim in order to put things in their place.
Please, if this sort of stuff offends you, do not gaze further down
the page. Merely, shut your browser now.
Otherwise, don't get overly worried if you cannot stop yourself from
looking at the lovely Miss Download Kim (we certainly
couldn't), because help is on the way, and the IP#'s of all those
who are offended will be blocked starting tomorrow night anyway.
That should settle it.
Here is the first photo.

The real deal, Download Kim
The photo immediately above is of course the true Download Kim.
Obviously it is her, and there is no doubt about it. She is checking
her equipment for the ride, and making sure all her toes are firmly
attached. She is otherwise oblivious to the other riders around her.
She is certainly going through her visualization exercises about how
she will attack, and on what hills, plus where she plans to begin
her sprint at the finish.
Maybe people like Twin Lynn or Cranky might not "get
it," but only SlingShot could ever mistake the person above
for any other than our esteemed Download Kim.
Compare the upper photo to the one below—a different situation

Crack whore, a Download Kim impersonator
Only SlingShot could be fooled by this woman (term used
advisedly) in the second photo. Obviously she is a skank-ass harlot
of the worst sort. How dare she show up at the Big-V parking-lot
during Hump festivities and try to pawn herself off as our
precious Download Kim.
In the second photo, note the come hither stance, the lithesome long
stretch of loin obviously poised in invitation. You are certain to
be offended by the ever so slightly, tad too tense, upper arm—almost
shouting, "Is this not strength? Do you not want it!?" We need not
mention the ravishing fall of hair. This is a conscious and polished
pose for effect.
Could anything be more blatant, more disgusting? Not only is this
woman keenly aware of everybody around her, she is actually inviting
their attentions, if not their credit cards. Keep your eyes peeled
for this trollop and toss her from our midst.
Now compare both upper photos to the one of Cranky below.

Cranky; or, if you will, Princess Cranky Pea
The juxtaposition of Cranky's photo to that of the
Download Kim wannabe reveals immediately how the wannabe photo
has been altered in Photoshop. Apparently it was not enough for the
Download Kim imposter to merely mimic the true Download
Kim, but she had to go out of her way to enhance an already
outrageous photo before submitting it to American Road Cycling.
Those who are not familiar with the editing potential of digital
media may have missed it before, but now you see without fail that
the Download Kim impersonator's photo (second one down) has
been radically altered to make it even more attractive to prurient
interest. This fact is possibly missed when viewing the photo by
itself, but easily observed by comparing the faked photo to the
other two
unaltered photos: the one of the real Download Kim at the
very top, and the one of Cranky nearest above this paragraph.
Nobody looks like that bogus Download Kim impersonator photo, and nobody ever will.
Though, it
still does not come close to exhibiting the same natural qualities
of unvarnished beauty as does our Cranky all dressed in blue.
Unfortunately, we still must disappoint Cranky. As for her
becoming Download Cranky, that is something not in her cards.
She has still come up lacking compared to Kim. We can see
that she is really trying, so maybe some
surgical cosmetic enhancement would tip the scales.
Now for the summary.

Bonus photo of the true Download Kim
We still can't figure out why Gary is scratching his head, but at
least SlingShot has finally gotten his own head straightened
this page last updated:
02/01/2015 10:39:00 PM